Plovdiv Municipality - 10 Eliezer Kalev Str.
The terminal is situated in December 2020. Its located on 10 Eliezer Kalev Str.
Plovdiv Municipality - 10 Eliezer Kalev Str.
The terminal is situated in December 2020. Its located on 10 Eliezer Kalev Str.
Daily indicators:
L24 = 56.1 dB
L2424-hour noise level, which is an indicator of the noise associated with discomfort (defined according to the ”Law for protection against environmental noise”)
Lnight = 48.4 dB
LAnightnight noise level is the A-weighted equivalent noise level averaged over a long period of time, relative to all the night periods in a year, as specified in standard ISO 1996-2:1987
Defined period "night period: (according to the Regulation No 6 of 26 June 2006 for" performance of noise in the environment "): 23- 07 h
Lday = 54.3 dB
LAdaydaily noise level is the A-weighted equivalent noise level averaged over a long period of time, relative to all the day periods during the year, as specified in the standard BDS ISO 1996-2: 1987;
Defined period "day period" (according to Regulation No 6 of 26 June 2006 on "indicators of environmental noise"): 07-19 h.
Lev. = 53.2 dB
LAeveningevening level of noise is the A-weighted equivalent noise level averaged over a long period of time, relative to all the evening periods in a year, as specified in standard ISO 1996-2: 1987;
Defined period "evening period: (according to the Regulation No 6 of 26 June 2006 for" performance of noise in the environment "): 19 – 23 h.
LAmax = 76.9 dB
LAmaxmaximum A-weighted sound level in decibels [dB (A)].
This is the maximum value of the current A-weighted noise level for a given time interval.
LAmin = 42.5 dB
LAminminimum A-weighted sound level in decibels [dB (A)].
This is the minimum value of the current A-weighted noise level for a given time interval.
LAF10 = 55.2 dB
LAF10The level of noise along a curve and which has exceeded 10% of the measurement time (T).
The parameter is used as a measure of the noise from the main measured (released) source.
LAF90 = 47.4 dB
LAF90The noise level in a curve which is exceeded for 90% of the time of measurement (T).
The parameter is used as an indicator of the ambient (background) noise.